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Dynamic / PTT talkgoup reminder

Our friend Nathan, K4NWJ from the PRN system recently sent along the following reminder that we can all use.  Consider the impact of your transmission on others, and listen before you transmit.

When you're accessing PRN Chat 1, Chat 2, Tac 1 Tac 310 or 
whatever dynamic tg for the first time, and you need to PTT to 
start up the group, please just a momentary key. It can often 
take up to 45 seconds for you to 'hear' what could be currently
going on in a talkgroup. When you key up a PTT TG (whether repeater 
or hotspot) and give your call, name, and qth, you're very often 
talking over the top of people involved in a conversation. 

I agree, it's tough, you had it beat in to you not to 'kerchunk' a 
repeater, but with DMR just blindly transmitting for a bit on 
your first activation of the TG is usually very disruptive. 

Internet at Richmond repeater site

UPDATE: internet has been fully restored.

The internet is down at the Richmond repeater site due to a technical issue.  We expect restoration before the end of the week but there is no timeline to report currently.  The Petersburg as well as Richmond BM sites remain active.  Watch here for updates.

New codeplugs are here

Update 2/14/2018 – thanks for feedback on errors, new MD-2017 and 9600 files uploaded this morning.

A new round of updated codeplugs are available on the downloads page.  Please see the change log for full information about the updates. There are new radios this time, including the MD-2017, MD-9600 and D868UV.

The codeplugs contain all current DMRVA repeaters as well as the AWSVirginia repeaters in northern Virginia. If you hear WB4EOT on the air, please thank him for his dedication to the task of keeping these files fresh.  If you have useful feedback on these files, don’t hesitate to visit the contact us page.